When: Sunday, Nov. 12th. Where: 1135 N. Denver Ave. Tulsa Time: Doors open 6pm for potluck and show starts at 7pm Suggested Donation: $15 advance through Paypal and $18 DOS. Use "Donate Now" Button below to go to Paypal. RSVP required, as seating is limited. Your payment through paypal serves as your RSVP or if you plan to pay at the door, then RSVP to scottaypoet@gmail.com BYOB
Ben de la Cour - "Anybody Like You" | Concerts from Blue Rock LIVE
“Ben de la Cour’s songs are brimming with urgent authenticity. There is thematic hardness and vulnerability throughout, but what distinguishes him from lesser guitar-and-anguished-vocals hacks is the raw humanity of his delivery and the potency of his way with words.”
– No Depression
Courtyard Concert Series | Chris Blevins - "Better Than Alone"
Chris Blevins work is a wicked blend of Southern rock & country crooning, seasoned with a shuffle and maybe even a hint of small town gospel, this talented Okie artist writes with a folk singer’s clear-eyed view of the world around him with wry political commentary, heartbreaking tales of love, and a romantic’s sense of longing and regret. Excerpt from Horton Records
About Scott- An engaging voice, groove-laden melodies, and smart musicianship become the vehicle for delivering these character-driven songs about regular people, facing the everyday challenges of life with uncommon grace.
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